A group of people are working together in Centre County to create opportunities for adults with autism.
The idea to create the ACRES Project came about in 2014.
“It’s a dream to establish a rural community for adults with autism,” said Cathy Prosek, the project’s secretary and treasurer. “Somewhere where they can experience and visualize their passions and get the necessary skill training to be members in the community where they can thrive.”
Centre County doesn’t have any day programs for adults with autism.  The ACRES Project wants to change that. 
“Adults with autism do not have the services that they experienced in the elementary and high school level,” Prosek said. “They just drop off the cliff.”
The dream is essentially a big family farm with programs, a community center and housing. 
“I have three grandchildren with autism so it would be a great place that I could feel ‘Wow. You know, they’re safe, secure.  They’re having fun.  They’re learning,'” said the project’s executive director, Bella Marie Bregar.
The 60 to 70 acres they’re looking for would be designed by adults with autism for adults with autism. 
“It is hard to find options related to it once you’re after 21 because it’s a struggle to get the sponsorship,” said Christopher Kowalski, one of the board members. “The ACRES Project is trying to make that dream happen.”
Kowalski has autism and has been working for Benjamin’s Distinctive Catering Company for four years.  While he’s found his place, he knows many others his age who aren’t as lucky. 
“It’s even been difficult after 21 for like adults with autism to find a place in the work force,” Kowalski said.
Their biggest obstacle is coming up with more than one million dollars they need just to purchase the land.  In the meantime, they’re borrowing space for social programs. 
“We discovered no one’s taking care of this population as adults and when the school bus no longer stops, there’s no place for these folks to go,” Prosek said.

They are currently working to set up an aquaponics program with the help of Penn State University.