Law enforcement officials in California say they have arrested the man who killed a police officer during a traffic stop the morning after Christmas.

The suspect, who was on the run for two days, is in the country illegally. Kenneth Craig reported from New York.

Law enforcement officials said they arrested Gustavo Perez Arriaga at a home in Lamont, California Friday, nearly 200 miles south from where police say he shot and killed Corporal Ronil Singh.  

“He also knew he was trying to flee to Mexico. That his goal was to get across the border,” said Sheriff Adam Christianson.

Investigators say Singh pulled over Arriaga for a suspected DUI early Wednesday morning and Arriaga shot the K9 officer several times.

They say Arriaga is in the country illegally from Mexico and already had two DUI arrests. Sheriff Christianson argues Arriaga should have been deported.

“This is a criminal alien…law enforcement was prohibited because of sanctuary laws and that led to the encounter with Officer Singh,” said Sheriff Christianson

President Trump mentioned the killing Thursday on Twitter, writing, “time to get tough on border security — build the wall.”

Singh leaves behind a wife and a young son. His younger brother sobbed through Friday’s news conference.

“He’s not coming back, but there’s a lot of people out there that misses him,” said Singh’s brother, Reggie.

Officers say they’ve also arrested at least five people who helped Arriaga evade capture.

Tonight the community of Newman will hold a candlelight vigil to honor Corporal Singh.