HOLLIDAYSBURG, Pa. (WTAJ) — “I question everything that I do all the time, and I’m not a business person you know I’m still trying to learn how that all works,” says Rachel Stoehr. 

Stoehr is just getting the hang of this whole “momtrepreneur” thing. 

“I just always loved to bake and I really had family and friends saying ‘oh you should open up a bakery’ and you know you kind of play that off and then after a while, I was kind of was like, I think I really want to do this,” says Stoehr.

She figured her daughters are old enough now. They’re very active, “soccer is pretty much our life,” she says. 

While they’re at practice and her husband is coaching, she can start baking. 

“Probably till like 2 or 3 in the morning,” explains Stoehr. “Those are my long nights, those are rough when you have to wake up at and go to work at 9 o’clock in the morning again. 

It’s a passion that is worth the little sleep she gets. 

“It like one of those dreams that you hope and wish someday but it kept getting pushed aside because I had family and obligations and things to take care of,” says Stoehr.  

Rachel Stoehr shares her momtrepreneur story.

Her business “Rachel Bites” is all about cookies. 

“They’re just kind of bite-sized treats so you don’t feel so guilty if you eat a couple of them, so they’re not huge but just enough to capture that sweet tooth,” explains Stoehr. 

Turns out, a lot of people have a sweet tooth.

“Word of mouth kind of spread,” she says. “And it’s turned into something bigger than I could have imagined.” 

Stoehr is renting a kitchen in the basement of a business in Hollidaysburg but hopes to move into a commercial space one day. 

“That would give me the possibility to expand my menu to more things like recipes that my family grew up with,” says Stoehr.   

For now, Rachel is working on her cookie skills, “because some of my goof-ups along the way have kind of taught me different techniques and different designs,” she says.  

And continues to grow her business, hoping to inspire her daughters. 

“I want to show them that you can honestly follow your dreams and do whatever you really want in life,” says Stoehr.  

She believes with the experience she’s had so far, she’s got the best of both worlds being a momtrepreneur. 

“It’s kind of an honor, really that I can do this and be a mom, it’s definitely an honor,” says Stoehr. 

You can learn more about Rachel Bites on Facebook and Instagram

You can listen also listen to Amanda Kenney’s full interview with Rachel and more momtrepreneur interviews on the MOMTREPRENEURS PODCAST