CENTRE COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — It all started with a question about a goal.

“My husband, he is so goal-oriented, and he was just like ‘hey, what’s your goals for this year?'”, explains Amanda Werner. “At the time I didn’t have a name, and I just said baskets, you know I love making these baskets up and he said, well why don’t you give it a try.”

“Initially I thought I’ll support that idea, it sounds like it would be a good idea,” says her husband Jesse. “I just didn’t quite realize it would snowball into the project that it is now.”

“Here I am four years later, my busiest year yet,” laughs Amanda.

That idea. That goal. Turned into The Giving Box.

“It’s a customizable gift box service or we do gift bags as well that highlight Pennsylvania makers, local makers,” explains Amanda.

These are one-of-a-kind curated boxes.

“They’re like simple but beautiful,” says Amanda. “It’s just like a nice classy touch to remind whoever you’re gifting to, about your business.”

But she doesn’t do it alone.

“She’s been with me the whole time I’ve been creating it,” says Amanda.

“She’s like your business partner,” laughs WTAJ’s Amanda Kenney.

“She really is,” says Amanda. “A couple of years ago she was like, come on, I need my own business cards now.”

Amanda’s six-year-old daughter, Isla, is always by her side.

They create the boxes together.

Isla posing with the boxes she and her mom, Amanda, made for VIP clients for the Bryce Jordan Center.

But first, Isla has school. Her teacher? Is Her mom.

“I actually was not in the meeting whenever it was decided that Isla was going to be homeschooled, it was her dad and her,” laughs Amanda. “Which is really funny because she calls her dad her substitute.”

They do school work. Then get to work, on The Giving Box business.

“Some days are real smooth and then other days it’s like ‘come on Isla, come on Isla, in the car, in the car, come on Isla, out the car,’ that is hard,” says Amanda.

“When I look at the progress that our daughter is making in her academics and everything and the things she’s learning and I see the business growing, I know she’s got a full plate, she’s working really hard to keep everything together and keep everything moving in the right direction,” says Jesse.

Isla gets her lesson of the day, then a lesson in business and life.

“It’s a lot of work. We work a lot but she’s okay with that and she knows that’s what real life is all about,” says Amanda.

“They’re a really good team,” says Jesse. “Very proud of both of them.”

Amanda, Isla, Jesse Werner

And to think, it all started with a question about a goal. It’s a lesson Amanda hopes to pass on to other aspiring Momtrepreneurs.

“Just keep doing it no matter what anybody tells you, just keep going for it and do whatever makes you happy,” says Amanda.

You can listen to the MOMTREPRENEURS podcast, HERE.

Learn more about The Giving Box, HERE.

Check out The Giving Box’s Instagram and Facebook!