Lovey is an almost 1 year old cat. She is a Tabby with a little bit of Calico in her. She is super sweet, loving, and affectionate. You can find out more information about Lovey by calling the shelter at 942-5402.
There is a volunteer orientation coming up on the 15th. You can give the shelter a call for more information or you can go here.
Chili Fest is coming up on the 26 and tickets are almost sold out so you will want to get them soon. They are $20 each and they are available at the shelter and at Thompson Pharmacy locations in Altoona and Hollidaysburg. You can get more information on the event by calling the shelter or clicking here.
The shelter has Puppie Love & Kittie Kittie T-shirts on sale. You can find out all of information on that by going here.
Golf Cards are also available for purchase. They are $100 each and you can find out everything about the Golf Cards by calling the shelter at 942-5402 or by going here.