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Local couple makes heart-shaped woodworkings for essential workers

(WTAJ) — Lora and Bill Cain are honoring essential workers with one wooden heart at a time.

While I was out reporting on Friday afternoon, Lora Cain walked across the street from her home to hand me this heart, along with five others.

It was a simple gesture that made me smile. I decided to venture over to her home and ask her more about who is making the hearts. Her husband Bill makes all types of woodworkings in his backyard. They invited me into their home and “craft” shed to show me how it’s done. Bill makes all sorts of neat crafts from earrings, garden stakes, napkin holders and even a sign for his dentist. Lora then paints or colors the art.

Lora said the inspiration for woodworkings started for their family after their son, who lives in Las Vegas made his own woodworking after the Las Vegas shooting in 2017. He cut out the shape of Nevada and put the “Vegas Strong” symbol in the middle, surrounded by a heart. Lora said her son sold the piece of art on Etsy and ended up donating almost $18,000 to the Las Vegas shooting victims.

Bill and Lora are starting to make their own business out of the art. They’re calling it “Lazer Daze”.