Restrooms and pavilions will be closed in DuBois City Park for the winter months after recent vandalism.

DuBois City Council decided Monday night to close the pavilions and the heated restroom near the public pool, which they were considering leaving open for the winter.

Bea Prosper sometimes comes to the park to walk. She said it’s a shame that vandals would ruin parts of the park for everyone.

“That would be sad to think that you have to close things up because you’re afraid that somebody might destroy property that does not belong to them, it belongs to the city, to everybody, so everybody should be able to enjoy it,” Prosper said.

Police Chief Blaine Clark said the vandalism ranges from setting fires to damaging bathroom hardware to climbing on the pavilion roofs.

“It’s sad a small minority of individuals are putting a hindrance on us, because a lot of great people use that park, and they should be allowed to continue to use it without any interference by anybody else,” Chief Clark said.

There are cameras monitoring the park, and Chief Clark said police normally can identify a suspect quickly, but this time the video isn’t clear enough to tell.

So he’s urging the public to reach out if they see anything happening.

“Call us, notify us, not after the fact when they get home, go ahead call us then, let us come over there and intervene and take care of the situation,” Chief Clark said.

As for Prosper, she said she hasn’t seen anything happen yet, but always keeps an eye out for something unusual.

“I kind of look around at the cars when I get here to see who’s here, who’s not, and if I’m walking in the back, I just am a little more cautious, can’t be very carefree,” Prosper said.

The city is considering options like a timed lock on the bathroom so it will only be unlocked during the day.