Mark Falvo is known for many things in the Clearfield community…a radio personality, the leader of Legal Eagles and an extra in countless movies.

He got his start working at his father’s radio station.

“Well my parents were always like, ‘you give back to the community.’ So I was kind of brought up that way,” said Falvo. “So I would do that.”

After law school, he worked for a law firm and formed an organization called Legal Eagles, teaching kids about the legal system.

“Everybody kinda like wanted the kids to see what the system was like, so the system wouldn’t get its tentacles around them,” he said.

When his office closed down, he was left finding something new to do.

“And after that I just thought, hey, I see they’re paying these guys eight or nine bucks to be extras, I’ll go do that. But then after you do one, it’s kind of interesting because you meet different people and they become your friends.”

What started with a one-time gig, became more than 100 television shows and movies…like House of Cards, Southpaw and Foxcatcher.

From lawyer to working as an extra, and even commentating local high school football on the radio, you could say, Falvo is a jack-of-all-trades, open to a new adventure.

“I don’t know, I’m just still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up I guess.”