HOLLIDAYSBURG, BLAIR COUNTY – Kris Smith was the recipient of the Teacher of the Month Award for March presented by Allied Milk Producers and WTAJ. She is a 4th grade teacher at CW Longer Elementary School. She has been teaching for 15 years. Due to the pandemic, we couldn’t visit the school, but we were able to chat with her through a Zoom interview!

She says during this difficult time, her school and the rest of the 4th grade staff have really been supporting each other. She continues to teach the children through Zoom meetings, emails, phone calls, and has even sent them postcards!

She was so honored to receive this award. She said, “I am very excited. It caught me totally off guard because I work some really wonderful people and I just feel like what I do as a teacher, is what everybody does.”

The person that nominated Kris Smith described her as a person who was born to teach, that she is humble, and considerate. After speaking to her for a few minutes, you could tell that all of this was accurate.

Congratulations Kris Smith on being our Teacher of the Month!