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Teacher of the Month April 2020

BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY – Steven Klein was the recipient of the Teacher of the Month Award for April presented by The Allied Milk Producers and WTAJ. He is a 4th grade teacher at Bellefonte Elementary School. He has been teaching for 25 years. Due to the pandemic, we couldn’t visit the school, but we were able to chat with him through a Zoom interview!

Mr. Klein not only teaches his 4th grade students important topics in the classroom, but he is also teaching them to be kind to others, and motivating them to be a part of their community. The person who nominated Mr. Klein, said he makes special time to help the children who are struggling, and keeps them engaged.

Mr. Klein said the key to his success is treating the kids like they are humans. He said he respects and acknowledges the students fears and anxieties which helps him be able to teach them their lessons.

It is clear how much Mr. Klein cares about his students and the passion he has for being an educator. He also said he could not do it without the team at Bellefonte Elementary school.

Congratulations Mr. Steven Klein on being our Teacher of the Month!