The historic Mountain Playhouse in Jennerstown continues the 2016 season with the comedy, Too Many Cooks!

Bootlegging was at its peak in 1932. Irving and his daughter, Honey, are preparing for the opening of their gourmet restaurant in Niagara Falls, Canada. But when their featured famous French chef fails to appear, a recipe for disaster develops. It only gets worse when they persuade an unemployed drifter to put on the chef’s hat and temporarily step in!

There will be an Opening Night Cooking Contest & Party on Wednesday, July 20 at Green Gables Restaurant in Jennerstown. Drop off your best dish at 6:00 pm. The culinary skills competition will be open to the public and will be judged by a group of well known local personalities. There will be two categories: “entries” and “appetizers and desserts.”After the performance, stop over for the cast party at the restaurant where winners will be announced.

Mountain Playhouse  presents Too Many Cooks Tuesday, July 19 through Sunday, July 31. Tickets range from $8 to $39.

Call (814) 629-9220 or visit The Mountain Playhouse to order tickets.