Help raise awareness for Lyme Disease by taking the “Take a Bite Out of Lyme Disease” Challenge!
The “Take a Bite out of Lyme Disease” Challenge works much like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The purpose is to help raise awareness for Lyme disease and raise funds for improved Lyme Disease Diagnosis. You complete the challenge by completing the following steps:
1.) Take a bite from a lime and capture it on photo or video
2.) Share a brief fact about the disease
3.) Challenge three other people
4.) Post the challenge to your social media outlets
If taking on the challenge, you’re asked to donate $10. Prefer not to do the challenge? Donate $100 instead! All donations benefit the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADEF).
- Pennsylvania leads the nation in Lyme Disease Cases. In 2016, there were 12,096 reported cases in PA. (That’s three times the number of cases as runner-up, New York.)
- Hawaii is the only state with no known cases
- Antarctica is the only continent the disease hasn’t been reported
- Children are at the highest risk
- Fewer than 50% of patients with the disease recall a tick bite or any rash
- Transmission can happen in minutes
- 63% of those treated suffer from symptoms
- Common Symptoms include fatigue, jaw discomfort, joint aches, muscle pain, memory loss, congnitive confusion, vision problems, digestive issues and headaches
Visit Lyme Disease Challenge online or Central Allegheny Lyme Support Group’s Facebook for more information.