Are you looking to get your invention into the “big box” stores? Dr. Frank Koe, Associate Professor for Engineering Entrepreneurship at Penn State, shares his tips and talks about his first patented invention, Stick-in-the-Mud Fish & Rod Holder!

Tips for Seeing Your Product in ‘Big Boxes’

·           Know your market

·           Price your product very well

·           Establish a track record of sales

·           Maximize Exposure

The Stick-in-the-Mud Fish & Rod Holder allows you to secure your fish stringer so the fish you catch will not swim away. The top of the Stick-in-the Mud has a flat area which is designed so you can use the palm of your hand to easily press the Stick firmly into the mud streamside, or you can wedge it between two rocks.

Visit Stick-in-the Mud online for more information.