Greater Johnstown High School is hosting its 8th Annual Empty Bowls Dinner. 

During the fundraiser event, people pick out a bowl that students made from scratch and can help themselves to soup and bread.

The event raises money for three soup kitchens and homeless shelters in the area. 

One art teacher said the empty bowls that people take home serve as a reminder that people in the community suffer from hunger, including students.

“It’s just so heartwarming to me to know that some of the students who are making the bowls are actually going to benefit from those agencies,” said Cindy Maloy, an art teacher at Greater Johnstown High School.

In the past eight years, the school has raised more than $26,000. 

The event runs from 5-8 p.m. Friday night at Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.

Tickets cost $13 for adults and $7 for kids and students.