Adapt Pharmaceuticals originally only offered free doses of Naloxone to schools with grades K-12, but have now decided to offer them to colleges and universities. 
Thom Duddy, the Executive Director of Communications for Adapt, explained the motive saying,”To expand the reach of the educational opportunity to talk to all students.” He continued,  “To take it one step further where colleges and universities have an opportunity to understand what an opioid overdose is and how to protect themselves from that overdose.”
In order to receive the 8 doses free of cost, the institution has to fill out a form and have it signed by their medical professional. When deciding to do this for free, the company just took a look at the data. 
Duddy explained, “Ee know and the data supports that the more Nalaxone available on the street, the better people have a chance of surviving and opioid overdose.” 
If a school goes through those 8 doses, they can get more for 40 percent off their retail price. It cost comes out to $37.50 a dose or $75 for two. 
Adapt’s Narcan doses are different than the others on the market. It comes with no assembly required and just needs one spray into a nostril for the full dose. Duddy explained the easy to use design saying, “The key to that is that in crisis, when you’re trying to assemble a product or to deliver so much in one nostril and so much in another, if you’re a caregiver or a loved one or somebody, that could be very hard to remember. So we wanted to make a product that anyone can use.” 
Currently in our region the only university to reach out to adapt for free doses has been Penn State but they say it’s too early to comment on the program.