Juice at Joos isn’t the juice you get from the grocery store.

And it’s giving Kait Bovard the boost she’s been looking for.”It’s really exciting actually having something like this in town.” said Bovard.

Joos is new to downtown Hollidaysburg.

“Our objective here is everything that we offer is a whole food ingredient,” Owner Jennifer Hrivnak said.

Hrivnak  is making it her mission to educate others on getting healthy.

“We don’t have additives, there’s no added sugar, there’s nothing processed. Everything is made with whole, real, food ingredients,” Hrivnak explained.

In fact, Joos has a specific method for making juice.

“This type of juicing when you’re getting a cold pressed, fresh juice has so much enzymes and minerals and vitamins and all of it’s intact,” Hrivnak said.

You can also get smoothies, they make their own granola, you can try wheatgrass or allergy shots, and smoothie bowls.

And what’s really different is their bone broth.

“I don’t know if it’s the name that just throws people off but if you like chicken soup, you will like bone broth,” said Hrivnak.”I promise, it is like sipping on a cup of soup. It’s delicious.”

Hrivnak says bone broth has a lot of benefits.

“From digestive to immune support so we get to the point where we’re approaching winter, colds, and flus thank kind of thing. Grandma gave you chicken soup you know, and it worked, there’s a reason for it so that’s basically what you’re getting here,” Hrivnak said.

Bone broth at Joos is served plain.

“I just kind of doctor it up like a cup of coffee,” said Hrivnak.

You add your own spices.

So anti-inflammatory things like turmeric. Good for your digestion, things like ginger. If you’re looking for a metabolism booster, we have cayenne,” explained Hrivnak. “So you can really season it how you want.”

Hrivnak says Joos is more than just a trendy juice bar, and it seems her idea is catching on.

“We came into this and I had kind of in my head what our typical customer was going to be like and everything just gets shot out of the water, you know so it’s really cool. It’s been a really cool thing to be a part of,” said Hrivnak.

And customers like Bovard, who was picking up day 3 of her juice cleanse when we met her, couldn’t be happier.

“Having somewhere that I can go in and know that I’m getting something that’s good for me it’s awesome. I’m really grateful they brought this to the area.