IMLER, BEDFORD COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — A Bedford County woman is looking for a living kidney donor.

Brittany Allison was diagnosed with a critical kidney disease called FSGS at just 2-years-old.

Her original kidneys lasted until she was almost 10, but then she was put on dialysis. 

Brittany got her first transplant at 12, which only lasted 11 months. She went back on dialysis until she got her second kidney transplant in June 2014.

Now Brittany needs another transplant and is looking for a living donor.

She and her family have made shirts, held up signs at Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers games and her dad even took it a step further.

“My dad put decals on the back of his vehicles to try and catch peoples attention, which I’ve actually seen turn up on Facebook a lot,” she told us.

So far Brittany doesn’t have any donors.

She’s an O blood type, but anyone who is willing to donate and is not her blood type can still help out. The hospital offers a switch program, which means they can switch her donor with someone else’s donor that’s a match for her.

You can contact Brittany at 814-309-2900 or by going to her Facebook page.