Room 405 at the Brockway high school is home to the cyber academy. Kathy Knepp runs the online program. She says many of the students in the program enroll in cyber, because they have to. 

“Some of the kids that take cyber, just can’t deal with the stress of school,” says Knepp. 

Knepp makes sure she puts extra emphasis on supporting her students, because she knows they need the extra motivation. She and every other teacher in the school district trys to go above and beyond with the Under my wing program. 

“It’s taking something I’ve always done and directed it,” says Knepp.

The program was created last year by Superintendent Dan Hawkins. He has been with the district for the past eight years. 

“The difference in a child’s life is one successful adult,” says Hawkins. 

Each faculty member picks a student they feel needs an extra boost of support in their life. Knepp says she chose a student in her program, “my ‘Under my Wing’ child is a cyber student. Who just needs to know some body’s there for them”  

Teachers aren’t the only ones participating. Secretaries, such as Danette Foradori, focus on the elementary school where she worked for 16 years. 

“It doesn’t have to be spending money on them, it just has to be giving them time. Sitting and listening,” says Foradori.

The program is completely anonymous, which mean it is not revealed which student the faculty selects. The children aren’t even aware they’re being mentored. However, the mentors say the changes are clear. 

Knepp says the changes in her student can be seen on paper. “My student is an honor roll student for the first time. I was so proud.”

For others, changes cab be seen internally. “Their mood is different, they feel better about themselves, more confidence,” adds Foradori.   

The students aren’t the only ones changed by the program, Knepp has a special bond with her “Under my Wing” student, that will stay through her last days as a teacher. “I will retire, and she will graduate at the same time. That is very special to me,” adds Knepp.