On Tuesday the feeling surrounding the council chamber in State College was bittersweet, as the borough said good bye to Mayor Elizabeth Goreham.

She reflected on 20 years, serving her community, 12 of which were on council and 8 as mayor.

“The mayor embodies all the hopes and aspirations of the town and I think they expect that from the mayor,” Goreham said. “Because the neighborhoods, I think, are the glue that holds our town together.”

Goreham said during her two terms, she focused heavily on neighborhood preservation, environmental initiatives and making the region more inclusive.

“We all find a cozy place where we can live happily and that’s the amazing part about State College. We have a lot of different constituents living side by side,” Goreham said.

But now it’s time to pass the baton.

During the inauguration ceremony, Don Hahn was sworn in as the new mayor of the borough.

He was surrounded by communal support and he said he’s ready to get to work.

“Oh I’ve been waiting for this for a couple months. I’ve been anxiously awaiting this to happen,” Hahn said.

Hahn has been a dedicated council member since 1996 and served as borough president from 2012-2014.

And with his local government background he is confident moving forward, especially following in Goreham’s footsteps.

“I thought that I had the experience and the ability to carry on Elizabeth’s legacy of Elizabeth Goreham,” Hahn said.

And as he graciously thanked Goreham, she offered Hahn a simple piece of advice.

“To enjoy it to realize that he is really the representative of the community,” Goreham said.

“I think that State College is a wonderful place. I mean I’ve grown up here, went to school here, settled down here, I think it’s a wonderful place and it will continue to be that way,” Hahn said.

One of Hahn’s first motions as mayor was approving Evan Myers as borough council president.

Myers is entering his second term on the council.