This Sunday, April 15, 2018, marks 13 years since Centre County district attorney Ray Gricar simply vanished.

There seems to be no dispute that Gricar, who was retiring, skipped out on work and told his girlfriend he was going for a drive. After that, not much else is certain.

Gricar’s locked call was found the next day in Lewisburg, just blocks from the Susquehanna river.

Investigators combed the area on foot and by air, but found no sign of the missing DA.

Months later, the district attorney’s laptop and hard drive were found in separate locations near the river.

Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what could have happened.

“If you mention his name, you’ll hear everyone has a theory,” Shawn Weaver, Bellefonte Police Chief, said. “I believe this or I believe that and they stick to it and I just listen and just absorb it.”

The case remains open. Anyone with information is asked to please call police.