Man arrested for groping woman on an airplane cites President Trump.

An FBI agent says as Bruce Alexander was sitting in the back of his police car he told him “the President of the United States says it’s okay to grab women by their private parts.”

This incident all started Monday on a Southwest Airlines flight from Houston to Albuquerque.

The woman claims she fell asleep and woke up to the feel of fingers on her right side around her bra line. She passed it off as an accident but 30 minutes later it happened again.

She told authorities she saw thick hairy fingers, with dirty nails groping her breast area.

She immediately got up, confronted the man behind her, identified as Bruce Alexander and asked to change seats.

Investigators obviously felt there was enough to justify her allegations because they took Alexander in for questioning. He never confirmed or denied the allegations.

But when he was being taken to jail he did made the comment about the president.

Alexander was arrested for abusive sexual contact. He could face two years in prison and a $250,000 fine.