A family treasure in the form of a shoebox filled with memories tells a soldier’s story.
“This is a listing of his military service,” said George Brown. Brown found his relative’s WWI Memorabilia.
Spread out on a table and faded by time are the contents that make up a soldier’s story from World War 1.
“I’m wearing gloves because this is 100 years old,” said Brown. “It’s very fragile.”
George Brown uncovered the materials in a shoe box while clearing out his late mother-in-law’s home two years ago. The military memorabilia belonged to Brown’s grandfather through marriage.
“When Clarence Miller fought in World War 1, he kept this diary on his person,” said Brown.
Miller was 21 years old when in 1917 he became one of the first volunteers from his hometown of Wilkes-Barre to enlist in the Army during The Great War, later called World War 1.
“The Germans immediately throwed over a barrage over our boxes,” said Brown.
The diary captured the heroism of Miller and his fellow soldiers while fighting the enemy on the front lines in France.
“And I think about this often what he went through as a young man,” said Brown.
While the diary is the centerpiece of Miller’s personal war experience, it’s far from the only highlight. Among the memorabilia is Miller’s monthly Soldier’s Pay Book.
“And it shows that he was paid $36.60,” said Brown.
There’s also a map of France spanning areas where Miller fought. And there’s a pen pal letter.
“At the price of great sacrifice,” said Brown. “You loved our France.”
It’s written by a French woman who sent it to Miller after the war ended.
“France appreciates everything you have done in helping her to save her country,” said Brown.
As we mark the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice ending World War 1, Brown hopes we all share appreciation for men like PFC Miller.
“It just amazed me and it still does,” said Brown.