A new court ruling said that the names of 11 Catholic priests mentioned in the Grand Jury report will not be made public.

The Grand Jury report was released August 15, 2018 after a two-year investigation into child sex abuse by Catholic priests in six dioceses in our state.

Attorney General Josh Shapiro released a statement on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling.

“I have consistently fought for the release of the entire, unredacted Grand Jury report into widespread sexual abuse and cover up within the Pennsylvania Catholic Church. Today’s Order allows predator priests to remain in the shadows and permits the Church to continue concealing their identities.

I will continue to stand with all survivors, fighting to ensure every victim gets their day in court and that every predator priest and every bishop and church official who enabled child abuse is held accountable for their abhorrent conduct. The public will not relent in its demand that anyone involved in this widespread abuse and cover up be named. No one victim’s truth is any less important than another and no one’s criminal conduct any less loathsome.

While this Order bars me from releasing the names of these 11 petitioners, nothing in this Order prevents the Dioceses from sharing the shielded names with their parishioners and the public. I call on the Bishops to do so immediately, consistent with their recent calls for transparency.”