With the winter months well on their way, many parents might worry about what activities they can do with their kids to keep them active. The Keystone Ninja Factory is a facility that allows kids of all skill level to try classes and obstacles modeled after the Keystone Ninja Warrior show. The owner of the facility, Chris Basenback started the gym around a year ago after his daughter Addie competed on the Junior Ninja Warrior Show. Chris remembers Addie asking why there weren’t gyms like this in our area as many kids on the show would rave about the gyms they trained at in larger cities. That very question inspired Chris to start something for not only his own kids to enjoy, but the community as well.

The facility just re-opened at a larger facility at a new location giving them extra space to accommodate more events. Keystone Ninja Factory offers a beginners class on Monday and Wednesday from 5:30-6:30 (ages 5-8), a standard class on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-6:30 (ages 9-12) and open gym on Friday from 6:30-8:30 (all ages).

Owner, Chris Basenback says their main mission is to provide a place in our community for kids to come out and get some energy out so they’re not inside playing video games.

Keystone Ninja Factory is located at 801 N Logan Blvd. in Altoona. You can find out more about the classes and facility by calling (412) 554-7414 or visiting keystoneninjafactory.com. Gift certificates for Keystone Ninja Factory are available as well. Check out their Facebook page for upcoming events facebook.com/keystoneninjafactory.