Local police officers are out in the community helping Santa Claus deliver early Christmas presents to families in need.

Patty Walters and Alex Robinson have two young children, Gavin and Aslan.

The parents said this was a bright light in one of the hardest years they’ve faced.

“My daughter’s wish was just to have Santa at her door, and she got that wish,” Walters said.

Both parents had medical emergencies this year. Robinson suffered his second heart attack in April, and lost his job shortly afterwards. Walters was diagnosed with non-convulsive seizures.

Also, their home in Altoona was broken in to, and their daughter’s bed was stolen.

Walters and Robinson said Santa brought more than just presents for their children.

“This is unbelievable. I meant it really is. We ask for a small miracle and you bring a big one, and my children will be forever grateful,” Robinson said.

Officers from Logan Township and Altoona Police Departments will be helping Santa all week delivering some very special presents.