A new bill has been unveiled to allocate up to $100 million in tax credits over the next 10 years to help fund pediatric cancer research.

State Representative Thomas Caltagirone announced House Bill 174, which allocates $10 million in tax credits per year during the next 10 years to Pennsylvania businesses, similar to the existing Educational Improvement Tax Credit program, which offers tax credits to businesses that contributed to scholarship organizations.

“This legislation is about giving Pennsylvania taxpayers and businesses more ways to join the efforts in finding a cure for pediatric cancers,” said Representative Caltagirone. “Pennsylvania research institutions are doing what they can with every dollar they have. We have the opportunity to do more, and we should. I think we have a moral obligation to take care of children first. It’s heartbreaking to see these children suffer, and if enough of my colleagues make the right choice, we will be well on our way to preventing more suffering and further tragedies.”

Caltagirone will be promoting this and other pediatric cancer legislation at a rally on February 4 in the Capital Media Center in Harrisburg at 11 a.m. The rally will include families, advocates and children and will focus on raising awareness about the effects of pediatric cancer on Pennsylvania families.

Pediatric cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among United States children. The average age of a child who dies from cancer is 8 years old.