Tonight, the Curwensville Area School District brought people from throughout the community together to read.

Hannah Condon is a Senior and drum major on the marching band at Curwensville Area High School.

Her mom read her a book every night when she was little.

“I remember me and my Mom read a lot of Magic Tree house books,” Condon, said.

As she got older, it served a lasting purpose.

“I definitely helped me get into reading,” Condon, said.
Tuesday night, members of the Curwensville High School’s marching band and other groups from the high school read to elementary students.

It was all apart of the school district’s “Read Under the Lights” night at Andy Evanko Stadium.

Ron Matchock, Superintendent of the Curwensville Area School District, says there’s nothing more important in education than literacy.

“All our research tells us, develop good readers, before third grade,” Superintendent Matchock, said. “If they have that base literacy skill at an early age, that will travel with them forever.”

At the event every kid was able to pick a free book.

Condon says she’s glad she can be a positive influence for these kids, just like her mom was for her.

“I know when I was little, I looked up to a lot of older kids and I think it’s imprint for us to come and hang out and support learning,” Condon, said.

The superintendent says since they started the “Read Under the Lights” event, other local school districts like Clearfield and Moshannon Valley have started similar nights.