Mrs. Alicia Laird was the recipient of the Teacher of the Month Award for January presented by the Allied Milk Producers and WTAJ. She is a 7th grade English teacher at Bedford Area Middle School.

It was a fun morning in Mrs. Laird’s class when Allied Milk Producers and WTAJ presented her with the award. All the students enjoyed playing “Wheel of Dairy” and learning about dairy farming. They even got to win prizes!

Mrs. Laird’s students told us about how she helps them learn in a stress free environment. The school has been focused on helping students not only achieve in the classroom, but also socially as well. Mrs. Laird has been a huge part of this initative according to Principal Kevin Windows. 

Mrs. Laird was very excited about the award. She said she was honored to receive this award and now be working at her alma mater, Bedford Middle School.

Congratulations Mrs. Alicia Laird!

If you would like to nominate your teacher, click here.