Notice from Driftwood Water Company to customers Wednesday:

Effective immediately, Driftwood Water Company is implementing water conservation measures for all customers served by the Driftwood water system.  These use restrictions will continue until Driftwood provides notice that the water conservation has been lifted.

Driftwood Water Company has determined that water conservation is needed at this time in order to protect the integrity of the Driftwood water supply and distribution system because the company is anticipating a short-term supply shortage (total available water supply may not be enough to meet maximum system demand) due to the excessive heat and the increased water use by Driftwood water customers.  If use restrictions are not put in place immediately, the result could be a lowering of pressure or a loss of water to customers. 

While mandatory water conservation has not been put in place, we need to be proactive so it won’t be necessary to do so. 
We are asking all Driftwood Water customers to eliminate nonessential uses of water, which include the following:

– The use of hoses, sprinklers or other means for sprinkling or watering of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, plants, vines, gardens, vegetables, flowers or other vegetation.

– The use of water for washing automobiles, trucks, trailers, or other types of mobile equipment.

– The washing of streets, driveways, parking lots, exterior of homes, sidewalks, or other outdoor surfaces.

– The use of water for filling swimming or wading pools.

Driftwood Water Company will lift the water use restrictions as soon as it is safe to do so. The Company greatly appreciates and anticipates that each customer will continue to receive safe, adequate and reliable water service.