In light of the recent Penn State and Jerry Sandusky scandal, Jay Paterno is speaking out, claiming a Washington Post writer got some important information wrong.

Sally Jenkins, a writer for the Washington Post  recently wrote an article about the latest developments in the Sandusky Scandal.

Earlier this week court documents were unsealed, and in them, they claim Joe Paterno knew about sexual assault allegations against Jerry Sandusky back in 1976.

In her article, Jenkins made a call to former Penn State Coaches to speak up writing, “enough with the constant legal sophistry coming out of Happy Valley.”

She later wrote, “There are people who were in a position to know things, who clearly have been reluctant to comment publicly.”

In response, Jay Paterno, Joe Paterno’s son and a former coach himself, wrote an open letter to Jenkins on He wrote, “Of the assistant coaches you accuse, the unsealed documents and information leaked to the Post found no written evidence of knowledge; no memos, e-mails, text messages or letters. Coaches turned over cell phones, e-mail accounts, computers and iPads and what did they find to reveal some vast conspiracy spanning decades? Nothing.”

Jenkins has not responded to Paterno’s letter.

To read Sandy Jenkin’s letter click here.
To read Jay Peterno’s letter click here.