For the third time in just two years Johnstown could be searching for a new city manager, causing another divide within council.

“It will be a loss to say the least,” Mayor Frank Janakovic said.  “Melissa has done so many good things for the city.”

Interim city manager Melissa Komar was offered the executive director position with the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority.  Councilman Jack Williams told WTAJ he’s fine with Komar leaving. If she does choose to leave, others said it’ll be tough to fill her shoes.

“I think she’s a person who gets things done.  She’s respected by the employees and she’s no pushover.”  Mark Pasquerilla, who is on the JRA Board, believes Komar will accept, “I think it’s not a secret that there’s a hostile working environment here.”

Before she does accept the position, the city and authority must work together to negotiate her contract.  Janakovic said the city will cooperate and even though they would be losing a city manager with a decade of experience working in Johnstown, he’s looking at the positives, “It may strengthen our ties and working relationship with the redevelopment authority.”

The city would then have to search for a new city manager, again.  Komar was initially appointed for one year, so the city has already started to advertise for the position.  Williams told us Thursday night that he won’t have a say in who’s is elected because this council is divided.  He went on to say it will probably be a five-to-two vote, a statement the mayor disagrees with.

“I will vote for the best person or persons after we do the interview process.”

Janakovic said he is focused on moving forward, and if and when this decision comes along he would like to involve the business community and citizens.

“We’ve had a lot of issues in the city, but I feel very strongly we are moving forward and we need the right person to come on board to continue to move the city forward.”