Store owners at the Georgian Place in Somerset are taking on the “Mannequin Challenge.”
Debbie Mutz, co-owner of Pages & Light, said the shopping center likes to stay trendy and thought it would be a fun way to promote Small Business Saturday. 
A total of 11 stores joined in to show what it takes to prepare for the holiday shoppers.
“Everybody does do a little bit so it doesn’t seem as much for one person,” Marcy McVicker, owner of Larenas, said.
From a consignment shop with furniture finds, to insurance services, this business community wants to show its diversity.
Kids from the boys and girls club were invited to join the fun.
Mutz said it was a great way to involve everyone in the community.
She said they’re going a step further by raising money for six local charities.
 “It’s shop small give large,” Mutz said.
Luminaries are available for $5 and will represent a charity contribution.
Karyn Belardi, a loan officer with Victorian Finance, said it’s important for local businesses to support the people in the community.
One of the charities is for Sophia Strong, a fund for Belardi’s granddaughter who is battling a gastrointestinal disorder.
 “it’s very heartwarming…If i think too much about it will bring tears to my eyes…It’s very generous, very kind,” Belardi said.
The other charities include: American Cancer Society, Children’s Aid Society, Derek Lenart, The Humane Society, and the Welfare League. 
From gifts to good deeds, Mutz said everyone is encouraged to get in the holiday spirit.
 “Come shop, come give, come have a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy our community,” Mutz said.