If there is one extreme weather preparedness action you want your loved ones to take, what might it be? To have a sturdy, safe place to go to in the event of dangerous weather.

You can join the National Weather Service (NWS) and the Weather-Ready Ambassadors on April 3. You can post a group or individual selfie in a safe place to Twitter (no addresses or geolocation tags needed) using the hashtag #SafePlaceSelfie. The NWS will share selected selfies on Twitter and other platforms throughout the day. 

What makes the #SafePlaceSelfie campaign so powerful is its simple message and call to action, said Trevor Boucher, a forecaster at the NWS Las Vegas Weather Forecast Office. “If you’re sitting at home or at your desk at work looking at Twitter or Facebook, ask yourself, ‘What if?’ Where would you go if life-threatening weather approaches your area?”

Here are some tips for your selfies:

  • You will want to think of the types of hazardous weather that impact your area and you will want to know where the safest places are along with evacuation routes.
  • You can get creative. Storm shelters, safe rooms and basements are all good safe places from tornadoes and strong winds, but think of other scenarios or hazards that may require more safe places.
  • What preparedness actions will make your safe place even safer? Do you have a NOAA Weather Radio? An emergency kit? A family communications plan?
  • Encourage family, friends and your social network to post their own #SafePlaceSelfies. Tag someone on your post and ask, “Where is your safe place from extreme weather?”

Republished from NOAA.