Another sign that Spring has arrived is the Opening Day for Major League Baseball. It is a time of renewal and promise, with every team’s record unblemished and full of hope before the season heats up.

When the first pitch is thrown the temperatures rise throughout the season until they peak in summer and then fall as we get closer to the World Series. The swing of temperatures varies across the country from a maximum of 34 degrees in Toronto and Minneapolis and Toronto to only a 9 degree spread in Miami. Temperatures do peak at different times of the year for the different locations. They can peak as early in June for the Southwest to around the 4th of July for the Great Lakes and for the West Coast they can peak as late a September.

However, there is a trend of longer term warming that has occurred due to the increase of greenhouse gases. Climate Central analyzed temperatures during the Major League Season and during the months of April through September the national average temperature increased 1.08° from 1895 to 2015.

Here is a link for all the temperature swings for all teams and divisions.