The Empowering Lives Foundation works to empower people by helping them discover their purpose and talent through social experience and a customized meaningful employment.

They create jobs for people in their areas of interest that meet their conditions for success, and work to find businesses with a need in their community.

The Challenge

·         The unemployment rate for people with a disability is 85%.

·         The employment participation rate for people with a disability is less than 10%.

·         Everyday in the Commonwealth of PA there are 200,000 open jobs, daily.

·         For each person with a disability we employ, even part time, the commonwealth saves thousands of dollars per year in benefits & services.

·         Employers need reliable, trainable, employees to fill vacant jobs

·         The average cost to find & train a new employee is $10,000

·         The average turnover rate is 20% and has been increasing every year since 2011.

·         Employers must complie with new regulations such as:

o   WIOA- Workplace Innovation Opportunity Act

o   PA Employment First Executive Order

·         People with a disability currently live within a system that works to nurture and protect people.

Empowering all people to discover their interest and conditions for success through employment in their communities will help make them better places to live and work. That person will not only work there, but also live and shop there.

Visit the Empowering Lives Foundation online or Facebook for more information.